
Trinity Place building entrance.
First, this website is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by The Owners, Strata Plan LMS 2833 (Trinity Place), its Strata Council, or Strataco Management Ltd.
Second, you can click here to log in, click here to register, or click here to write a new post (if you’re already logged in).
Third, click here to bypass this waffle and jump straight into the action.
Now …
This is a crucial time for Trinity Place Owners. With all that is going on, communication is not just important; it’s critical. In this day and age, it’s only logical that Trinity Place have an online venue to assist with and encourage communication. Until the Strata Corporation sees fit to set up an official website (an appropriate “proper” domain is available, rather than this one set up as a sub-domain, and I would encourage the Owners to think about this), this site has been created as an informal, unofficial place to allow Owners to collaborate — listen to what others are thinking and saying outside of the fairly tightly-controlled environment of an annual or special general meeting.
You can — indeed, you are encouraged to — post to this website. (This is how we will talk amongst ourselves.) Please see the instructions on the “How to use this site” page. This is, in effect, a website with a blog. (No, it’s not a blog about what you had for breakfast this morning. It’s just an efficient way to post topics and respond to them.) You can create new blog posts and respond to existing blog posts once you have registered. And on that note, please read the privacy page for some brief notes on the subject that you’re probably wondering about.
You are encouraged to join in.