Website to close
I apologise for the fact that my activity on this website ceased suddenly at the end of November. As should have become apparent to most, this was because we left Trinity Place at that time, and out of necessity and good taste I stopped commenting on issues related to the building and its management.
I did intend, in early December, to post something about this (I even had the post drafted) and cast about for a volunteer to maintain this website. However, the pressures of finding a new place to live, moving out, moving in and then Christmas meant that this did not happen in a timely fashion such that the momentum that the site had begun to build towards the end of November could be maintained and built upon. Now, with the site apparently abandoned by its creator (and nobody to keep putting back the sign removed by the “anonymous sign stealer“), it’s no wonder there’s no activity here.
The only direct feedback I have received on this website has been positive. Unfortunately that feedback has also been private, and I respect that. I would far rather that the feedback be public, here on this site, but there seems to be a culture of fear at Trinity Place — a fear to speak out. (This seems partly to be the result of unspoken understandings between some members of Council and Strataco.) I’d be deliriously happy regardless of whether the public feedback received was positive or negative. Whichever is the case, feedback would stimulate discussion if it was held here in public.
What happens to this website is up to you, the Owners and residents of Trinity Place. Would you like to take it over? If so, let me know and we’ll talk. I have some minor conditions, but you don’t have to agree with my points of view to take over the website, and I will help you get started. My main conditions will be that the existing blog posts must remain and must not be altered, and that Owners and residents be allowed to participate freely. Email me at
But unless a volunteer steps forward before then to take over this endeavour at transparency and accountability, this website will close in two weeks on 7 February 2012.
Stay tuned!
In: Administration · Tagged with: anonymous sign stealer, commenting, fear, free speech, website management
Report 3 (Williamson): Building Remedial Report
The third monthly report from John Williamson Inc., dated 6 January 2012. It notes the unexpected discovery of concrete topping on two balconies, and that the same is expected to be found on three more balconies.
Also of interest is that moisture probe testing on the north-east wall has been completed, and a report is on its way or was sent, depending on which part of the Williamson report you’re reading. Whatever the contents of the report, it seems that an SGM is required to approve additional funds to do more repairs.
Williamson also alludes to the fact that Owners have been asking him questions that have actually been asked (and not answered) for some time now. In fact, some Council members tried to discuss this issue — Council deciding things that should perhaps be decided by the Owners at large — at the semi-secret 30 August 2011 Council meeting. The opinion was put forth by Williamson during that meeting that the Owners had given Council a blank cheque in this regard, and no more discussion was entertained by the Chair of the meeting. (It’s also telling to note [with respect to the autocratic leanings of the Council President] that at that meeting she cut off dissenting discussion [“The Chair interjected that the intent and line of questioning [w]as out of order with the meeting agenda …”] on a similar matter of concern to a minority of Council members, and no further discussion was noted in the minutes on that issue either.)
Updated 2012-01-25: Add emphasis to paragraph two, and some clarity to paragraph three.
In: Construction, Updated posts · Tagged with: building repair, council meetings, decks, john williamson inc., president, special general meetings, strata council, williamson reports
Report 2 (Williamson): Building Remedial Report
The second monthly report from John Williamson Inc., dated 6 December 2011. This report notes that work has started on the south side of the building. Attached to the report is a Christmas card with the note that there will be no construction work performed between 23 December and 3 January.
In: Construction · Tagged with: building repair, john williamson inc., williamson reports
Council deigns to acknowledge website
As I will be posting shortly, it’s no longer my place to editorialise here. But I will one last time (perhaps the second last time), as I have only now, almost two months after section 19 of the LMS 2833 Bylaws requires they be delivered, received the minutes of the 17 November Council meeting.
I had been told at the time that this website was discussed at length, and that some members of Council are vehemently opposed to its existence. One can’t help but wonder why, but the minutes are of no help. Despite considerable time and spittle apparently being expended on the matter, it received only two sentences in the minutes — well, only one, really — and an attractive boxed and bolded disclaimer which is almost identical to the disclaimer at the top of the home page and in the sidebar of every page on this website; namely that this site is unofficial. I had also been told to expect a letter, but sadly one never materialised.
Anyway, because this will be brief (due to the very short shrift in the minutes), I will rebut the one sentence clause by clause:
- “The Strata Council noted that promotion of communication is always desirable”: Ha! This is just bald-faced hypocrisy, and exactly why the website was set up in the first place.
- “… a concern was expressed about the manner in which it was presented as well as the publication of information that may lead to privacy concerns.” Give me a break! The website looks very professional (not that I can take credit for the design, but I can for the organisation) and everything I have written is above reproach, even if a little sarcastic at times when (I should emphasise) it could certainly be more pointed and critical. (After all, this is a personal website to the extent that it is managed by one person and contributed to by other individuals. It is not a corporate website, and the tone reflects this reality.) Even the stuff eventually written by others (so far) is tepid at best. (Owners aren’t stupid.) As for privacy: I address that on the evolving privacy page.
Apart from the fact that my departure was imminent and known by Council at that point, all someone had to do to address any concerns about “the manner” of the website and privacy was to talk to me. Nobody did, so I can only assume cowardice.
This is the kind of hypocritical, superior attitude that you can expect should you not toe the line at Trinity Place. I say that with some confidence, as I know I’m not the only one to be a target.
In: Administration · Tagged with: by-laws, free speech, strata council
Privacy policy updated
The privacy policy has been updated to explain the role of IP addresses on this website.
In: Administration · Tagged with: ip address, privacy policy
December 2011 usage statistics

December 2011 usage statistics
An overall view of traffic on this website last month. Quite the decline eh?
In: Administration · Tagged with: website traffic
Does anyone know if you can use a smart phone (ie iphone) to answer the buzzer downstairs? Must a landline be used to activate our entry system?
In: Facilities · Tagged with: enterphone, intercom
November 2011 usage statistics

November 2011 usage statistics
An overall view of traffic on this website last month.
In: Administration · Tagged with: website traffic
Noise and being neighbourly
I feel it is important to respect your neighbour’s right to live in a peaceful environment. This means refraining from making any loud noises between the hours of 11pm-7am. This is a city bylaw! It also means keeping noise levels down during the daytime hours. Our building is not very soundproof so even moderate noise levels are loud. Over the past eight years I have been woken up numerous times in the middle of the night because the resident above me is not respectful nor considerate. I have written countless letters to council and nothing has changed. My only hope and prayer is that one day the fellow above me will actually consider my feelings the next time he decides to saw, drill or move furniture around in the middle of the night. This has got to stop NOW!
In: Neighbourliness · Tagged with: noise
Empty parking stalls
Does anyone know which parking stalls are empty…you know…. the ones we paid a LOT of $$$ for? Strataco has not given us any direction as to where we can store our balcony items during construction. I would be most happy with a prompt reply as my nephew is coming over on Sunday to move my things.
In: Facilities · Tagged with: parking, storage