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Does anyone know if you can use a smart phone (ie iphone) to answer the buzzer downstairs? Must a landline be used to activate our entry system?

Posted on December 22, 2011 at 16:13 by Connie · Permalink · One Comment
In: Facilities · Tagged with: ,

Noise and being neighbourly

I feel it is important to respect your neighbour’s right to live in a peaceful environment. This means refraining from making any loud noises between the hours of 11pm-7am. This is a city bylaw!  It also means keeping noise levels down during the daytime hours. Our building is not very soundproof so even moderate noise […]

Posted on November 25, 2011 at 18:11 by Connie · Permalink · One Comment
In: Neighbourliness · Tagged with: 

Empty parking stalls

Does anyone know which parking stalls are empty…you know…. the ones we paid a LOT of $$$ for? Strataco has not given us any direction as to where we can store our balcony items during construction. I would be most happy with a prompt reply as my nephew is coming over on Sunday to move […]

Posted on November 25, 2011 at 17:54 by Connie · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Facilities · Tagged with: ,