Author Archive

Website to close

I apologise for the fact that my activity on this website ceased suddenly at the end of November. As should have become apparent to most, this was because we left Trinity Place at that time, and out of necessity and good taste I stopped commenting on issues related to the building and its management. I […]

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 10:55 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Administration · Tagged with: , , , ,

Report 3 (Williamson): Building Remedial Report

The third monthly report from John Williamson Inc., dated 6 January 2012. It notes the unexpected discovery of concrete topping on two balconies, and that the same is expected to be found on three more balconies. Also of interest is that moisture probe testing on the north-east wall has been completed, and a report is […]

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 10:23 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Construction, Updated posts · Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Report 2 (Williamson): Building Remedial Report

The second monthly report from John Williamson Inc., dated 6 December 2011. This report notes that work has started on the south side of the building. Attached to the report is a Christmas card with the note that there will be no construction work performed between 23 December and 3 January.

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 09:54 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Construction · Tagged with: , ,

Council deigns to acknowledge website

As I will be posting shortly, it’s no longer my place to editorialise here. But I will one last time (perhaps the second last time), as I have only now, almost two months after section 19 of the LMS 2833 Bylaws requires they be delivered, received the minutes of the 17 November Council meeting. I […]

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 08:33 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Administration · Tagged with: , ,

Privacy policy updated

The privacy policy has been updated to explain the role of IP addresses on this website.

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 08:10 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Administration · Tagged with: ,

December 2011 usage statistics

An overall view of traffic on this website last month. Quite the decline eh?

Posted on January 23, 2012 at 19:58 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Administration · Tagged with: 

Construction budget passed

Now that the construction budget has been passed and much of the control of the project has been given to project manager John Williamson, I’m actually feeling a little more confident about how things will progress from here on. If nothing else, he has committed to monthly reports, so at least we’ll know what’s going […]

Posted on September 30, 2011 at 07:09 by Admin · Permalink · Comments Closed
In: Construction · Tagged with: , ,

Did you hear the one about …?

Sorry, no joke here. This is just an initial test post. Feel free to comment on this post to make sure you can do so, and to check in and let the rest of us know you’re here.

Posted on September 29, 2011 at 03:01 by Admin · Permalink · One Comment
In: Administration · Tagged with: