Notice 2 (Williamson): Updated construction start date
Notice number 2 from John Williamson posted on the notice board by the elevator on the parkade level on Tuesday, 18 October (and dated the same day) indicates that equipment will start to be mobilised on site on Monday, 24 October, with actual construction (actually, demolition) work to start on the following Monday, 31 October, at the west end of the building. A time line has also been posted, which I haven’t had a chance to study yet.
The notice also indicates that Williamson needs Owners and residents to email him their phone numbers, presumably so that people can be contacted in the event of emergencies or if suite access is needed for one reason or another. His email address is johnwilliamson[AT] (Please replace the [AT] with @.)
In: Construction · Tagged with: building repair, john williamson inc., williamson notices