Added and reorganised documents
I’ve been busy scanning a whole bunch of documents and adding them to the Documents page. Besides the fact that I have uploaded a copy of every digital document I already have, there isn’t really any logic to what is there and what isn’t; I haven’t picked a specific date and uploaded everything sent out since that date. Given the time and resources available to me (unlike Strataco, I’m not being paid), I’ve picked a bunch of documents that seem to be the most important at this time, and that’s what you see. If you notice something missing that you’d like to see made available here, please email me a PDF version of that document and I’ll slot it in.
Please also note that anything I have scanned and much of what I have received from Strataco is not searchable. In that respect PDF documents come in two flavours:
- Original digital documents that contain searchable text, and
- Scans of paper documents that are, essentially, just analogue images of text and therefore not searchable.
Obviously searchable digital documents are preferable. However, Strataco does not consistently send searchable digital PDFs of documents they create, even though they can and should. (One month they’ll send the minutes in a searchable PDF created from an original Microsoft Word document, and the next they’ll go to the trouble of printing the minutes, scanning them and then sending that non-searchable PDF.) We’ll never manage to have everything in a searchable format, but certainly we should press Strataco to provide us with searchable PDFs of everything they create.
I’ve also tried to organise the Documents page a little better. To some this organisation might make sense; to others it might not. In my mind, things get a little confusing when one document is distributed to Owners multiple times, especially when (especially in advance of annual and special general meetings) packages of documents are distributed that contain many discrete documents. Then, do you file everything in chronological order, or do you separate correspondence and reports? And when a letter has another document attached (let’s say relating to finances), do you file them together or does the document go under finances and the letter under correspondence? All weighty questions. 🙂
In the digital arena you can at least cross-reference things more easily, and that’s what I’ve elected to do. For example, under Correspondence is a letter with the subject “Make-up Air Unit Replacement” dated 30 June 2011. It’s a one-page letter to which was attached a six-page proposal from Honeywell dated 4 February 2011. Under the link to the letter is a link to the proposal. And in the Administration section of the page the Honeywell proposal is listed, under which it’s noted that it was attached to the cover letter. All are linked so that it’s clear what’s connected to what, but that causes some apparent duplication.
Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve added:
- Council, AGM and SGM minutes going back to November 2010.
- It’s worth noting that the minutes of the 30 August 2011 Council meeting were never (to my knowledge) “officially” distributed (strange as that may seem), so you can get a copy here if you don’t already have them.
- 2011/2012 operating budget and strata fees.
- Insurance documents.
- Honeywell make-up air unit documents and correspondence.
- A place holder for a copy of the contract between LMS 2833 and Strataco Management Ltd. (do you have a copy you can send to me?).
- Several EXP/Trow and RDH documents.
- Several documents from John Williamson Inc. and Strataco related to the building envelope repair.
Feedback, as always, is welcome.
In: Administration · Tagged with: documents, strataco management